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Variables, variables are what all of the other code revolves around, they are where all the data is stored so if you wanted to do a maths programme that did the addition of 2+2 you would store the answer in a variable which you name. Variables can be named anything you type.
EG. 2 + 2 = a.
this would store the answer 4 into the variable a.
print() = this is a handy function that lets you output data to the console, in other words it lets you see the data on the screen.
EG. print("hello world")
EG. print(10)
+, -, *, / = these signs let you add, subtract, multiply and divide.
input() = this lets the user input data using a keyboard, however the data has to be assigned to a variable in order to store that data the users can be told what to input by the programmer writing what he wants the users to type.
EG. data = input("what's you name? ")